Home -> Newsletter -> Vol.4
- In order to change from observation-type medical practice focusing on experience to prediction-type medical practice to construct the base of theoretical medicine
Professor, Department of Internal Medicine (Cardiovascular Medicine), Director of the Metabolic Disease Research Center, Bio-Research Medical Center, Tokai University Graduate School of Medicine, and Director, Department of Metabolic System Medicine, Tokai University General Medical Laboratory Shinya Goto
- It is expected that new possibilities in nutrition science and health control will be opened up by simulation science
EXECUTIVE PROFESSIONAL Health infomatics DEPT., Ajinomoto Co., Inc. Toshihiko Ando
- Report on Research
- The functions of a multidrug discharging transporter were verified by coarse graining molecular simulation (Molecular Scale WG)
Graduate School of Science, Kyoto University
Shoji Takada / Xin-Qiu Yao / Hiroo Kenzaki
- Cell simulation considering time-space (Cell Scale WG)
Computational Science Research Program, RIKEN Yasuhiro Sunaga
- Development of HIFU simulator for non-invasive treatment with high-intensity focused ultrasound (Organ and Body Scale WG)
VCAD System Research Program, RIKEN Kohei Okita
- PLATO: Platform for a collaborative brain system modeling toward development of large scale mathematical model.(Brain and Neural WG)
①Computational Science Research Program, RIKEN
②Brain Science Institute, RIKEN
Keiichiro Inagaki①/ Takayuki Kannon②/ Nilton L. Kamiji②/
Koji Makimura②/ Shiro Usui ①②
- Report
- Report on the workshop in BMB2011 (Joint Meeting of the 33rd Congress of the Molecular Biology Society of Japan and the 83th Congress of the Japanese Biochemical Society)
- Winter School 2011 for the Integrated Simulation of Living Matter
Computational Science Research Program, RIKEN
Yasuhiro Ishimine (Organ and Body Scale WG)
The Institute of Medical Science, The University of Tokyo
Hidetoshi Urakubo (Brain and Neural WG)
Computational Science Research Program, RIKEN
Yasuhiro Sunaga (Cell Scale WG)
Computational Science Research Program, RIKEN
Gen Masumoto (High-Performance Computing Team)
Computational Science Research Program, RIKEN
Keiji Misawa (Data Analysis Fusion WG)
Computational Science Research Program, RIKEN
Hisayuki Miyashita (Molecular Scale WG)
- ISLiM Participating Institutions / Event Infomation / Event report
