
(Updated on 2013/8/2)

NEST Neural Simulation Tool
Principal developer

Markus Diesmann, Team Leader, RIKEN Brain Science Institute (BSI)

General description

NEST investigates whether the model starting from a simple neuron cell model can simulate real brain activities or not.

Computational model

Point-neuron model

Computational method

Hybrid ODE+point-event solver


Hybrid(MPI+thread) at same granularity

Required language and library

C++, SLI, MPI, pthread

Status of code for public release

Source code is available through ISLIM download site.

Maximum computing size in present experiences

A network consisting of 1.73 billion nerve cells connected by 10.4 trillion synapses using 82,944 processors (8 cores/processor) of the K computer.

Expected computing size in K computer

parallel computing with 640,000 cores.


Figure 1. A single column (1 mm2) that is a brain cortex's information processing unit.

What does the code enable?
  • NEST enables to simulate and predict the signal processing for a network consisting of 1.73 billion nerve cells connected by 10.4 trillion synapses
  • NEST enables several hundreds thousand-core parallel computing with the K computer. It aims the world's fastest neural simulation.
CMDN Cortical microcircuit simulator developed on NEST.
Principal developer

Tomoki FUKAI, Laboratory Head, RIKEN Brain Science Institute

General description

The code investigates how the 6-layers of cortical local circuits process sensory and motor information under the influence of top-down input

Computational model

Integrate-and-fire neuron model and conductance-based neuron model

Computational method

Solving the nonlinear simultaneous differential equations numerically


Hybrid(MPI+thread) at same granularity

Required language and library


Status of code for public release

To be released

Maximum computing size in present experiences
  • RICC's 256-core parallelization
  • Required memory/disk storage: 25GB/200MB
Expected computing size in K computer
  • Use 100,000 cores in parallel
  • Required memory/disk storage: 2.5TB/20 TB.
What does the code enable?
  • Finding the clue about how the complicated interactions among neurons in each cortical layer realize the system for information processing
  • Finding the clue about a brain-type, flexible, low power-consumption information processing technology (IT) by understanding the brain's IT system.
  • N. Wagatsuma, T. C. Potjans, M. Diesmann, and T. Fukai, Layer-dependent attentional processing by top-down signals in a visual cortical microcircuit model, Front Comput Neurosci (in press..).
Visual information-processing analysis with a whole-visual-system model:  the common platform for the visual-system simulation.
Principal developer

Shiro USUI, Team Leader, RIKEN Brain Science Institute

General description

The code targets the visual system being built with the mathematical model that is described in each level of function, cell, and ion current for cortex, retina, ophthalmological optics, and eye motion (brainstem). The code has the integration of the models with the common format, and also the simulation library

Computational model

The ion current- or conductance-based cell model. The receptive field and retina image solved by convolution operation

Computational method

Runge-Kutta method, convolution operation


Spatial decomposition

Required language and library

C, C++, OpenMPI, GSL, netCDF

Status of code for public release

Code is available through ISLIM download site.

Maximum computing size in present experiences

The analysis of generation mechanism for the eye motion (especially micro motion), the generation of detailed retina image and visual cell output, and the motion detection mechanism in the corticis using RICC's tens of cores

Expected computing size in K computer

The visual illusion simulation with the whole-visual-system large-scale model using more than 2,000 cores.


Figure 1. The concept of the whole-visual-system model.

What does the code enable?
  • The test and evaluation of drug's side effects for visual function (such as color vision) by refining each mathematical model that builds a visual system
  • The whole-visual-system's mathematical model helps analyze visual functions (such as visual illusion mechanism) and visualize the information processing at the parts of the visual system.
NeuroMorphoKit A multiphysics simulation environment for neuromorphological dynamics.
Principal developer

Naoto YUKINAWA, Kyoto University

General description

The software platform for neuronal morphological simulation by integration of kinetics of cytoskeletal filaments, cell membrane dynamics, and reaction-diffusion of intracellular molecules

Computational model

The multicompartment reaction-diffusion, energy optimization based on celluar membrane discretization

Computational method

Runge-Kutta method, the steepest descent method


Hybrid parallelization using MPI and OpenMP for membrane-energy optimization and cytoskeletal kinetics calculation

Required language and library

C, C++, MPI, OpenMP, GSL, NetCDF, GD, zlib

Status of code for public release

Source code is available through ISLIM download site.

Maximum computing size in present experiences
  • The model neuron's cellular migration simulation
  • 819,200 actin filaments, 20 membrane nodes, 100x100 voxels (2,048 cores, RIKEN RICC)
  • Required memory / disk storage: 600 MB / 100 MB
Expected computing size in K computer
  • Mobility simulations for neuron-configuration formation
  • The number of actines: 1 million, 2,000 membrane nodes, 128x128x128 voxels
  • Required memory/disk storage: 4 TB/ 2 TB.

Figure 1. A cell migration simulation taking into account the cellular skeletal system's molecular reaction and the membrane skeletal system's kinetics.

What does the code enable?
  • The near-real time cellular morphological simulation including axon elongation
  • The quantitative evaluation about how the cytoskeletal related molecules influence the morphological change.
IOSSIM Whole-brain simulator for an insect's olfactory system.
Principal developer

Ryohei KANZAKI, Professor, University of Tokyo

General description

The code does a virtual-spatial real-time simulation for the neural circuit's information processing of an insect from sensing to action by the multicompartment model that considers each neural configuration

Computational model

The conductance-based multicompartment model

Computational method

The backward Euler method, Crank-Nicholson method, adaptive integration method


The cell-wise process dividing (A cell can be divided as well)

Required language and library

C, C++, MPI, SUNDAIL InterView

Status of code for public release

Source code is available through ISLIM download site.

Maximum computing size in present experiences
  • LAL's neural system simulation
  • Analysis of 1024 cells with 1024 cores
  • Required memory/disk storage: 1TB/10 GB
Expected computing size in K computer
  • More than or real-time simulation for the neural circuit's information processing of an insect from sensing to action
  • The analysis for 10 thousands of neurons and 5 thousands of compartments with 300 thousands of cores
  • Required memory/disk storage: 100 TB/1 TB.

Figure 1. The simulation for the brain-neuron's activity of Bombyx mori.

What does the code enable?
  • Understanding of the neural circuit's information processing from sensing to action
  • Understanding about how the variation that is given to a part of insect's nervus influences the information processing
  • Finding the clue for designing the neurorehabilitation and the neuroenhancement.